PLENARY SESSION (Main Conference Hall) Chairperson: R.Blandford |
9.00 | D.Kazakov | (JINR, Dubna) | Constraints on Supersymmetry Using 5/fb LHC Data |
9.45 | K.Thorne | (California Inst. of Technology) | Black Holes: A New Golden Age |
10.30-11.00 Coffee-Break |
Session ASTROPHYSICS Chairperson: S.Bulanov |
11.00 | I.Kovalenko | (Volgograd Univ.) | Recent Progress in Understanding of Astrophysical Turbulence |
11.30 | N.Prantzos | (Inst. d'Astrophysique de Paris) | The Composition of Cosmic Rays and the Origin of Light Nuclides |
12.00 | V.Ptuskin | (Inst. of Terrestrial Magnetism, Ionosphere and Radio Wave Propagation, Troitsk) | Galactic Cosmic Rays: Acceleration in Supernova Remnants and Transport in Interstellar Magnetic Fields |
12.30 | A.Galper | (Moscow Engineering Physics Inst.) | Progress in Gamma-Ray Astronomy in Russia |
13.00-14.30 Lunch |
Session Astrophysics Chairperson: B.Coppi |
14.30 | L.Zelenyi | (Space Research Inst., Moscow) | "Dark" Electric Fields in the Earth Magnetotail and their Observable Manifestations |
15.00 | S.Bulanov | (Kansai Photon Science Inst., Kyoto) | Extreme Field limits in the Interaction of Electromagnetic Waves with Matter |
15.30 | V.Tsytovich | (General Phys. Inst., Moscow) | Physics of Transition Scattering and Some Recent Observations |
16.00 | D.Sokoloff | (Moscow Univ.) | Stellar Activity Waves: New Ideas |
16.30-17.00 Coffee-Break |
Session Astrophysics Chairperson: B.Rudak |
17.00 | D.Uzdensky | (Univ. of Colorado, Boudler) | Magnetic Reconnection and Radiation in Astrophysics |
17.30 | V.Skalozub | (Dnepropetrovsk Univ.) | Spontaneous Vacuum Magnetization as the Source of Long Range Magnetic Fields in the Hot Universe |
18.00 | O.Tsupko | (Space Research Inst., Moscow) | Gravitational Lensing in Presence of Plasma |
18.30 | S.Nagataki | (Kyoto Univ.) | Numerical Simulations of Central Engine of Long Gamma-Ray Bursts |
11.00 | M.Gaberdiel | (ETH, Zurich) | Minimal Model Holography |
11.30 | S.Giombi | (Perimeter Inst., Waterloo) | Chern-Simons Vector Models and Higher Spins |
12.00 | M.Grigoriev | (Lebedev Inst., Moscow) | Parent BRST Approach to Higher Spin Gauge Fields |
12.30 | A.Sharapov | Tomsk Univ. | Lagrange Anchor, Symmetries and Conservation Laws of Free Massless Fields |
13.00 - 14.30 Lunch |
Session Superstrings and Higher Spin Gauge Theory Chairperson: I.Aref'eva |
14.30 | K.Stelle | (Imperial College, London) | Supergravity Divergences and Puzzles |
15.00 | E.Ivanov | (JINR, Dubna) | Supersymmetric Mechanics with Spin Multiplets and Nahm Equations |
15.30 | Yu.Zinoviev | (IHEP, Protvino) | On Massive Gravity and Bigravity |
16.00 | M.Taronna | (Scuola Normale Superiore and INFN, Pisa) | Higher-Spin Interactions: Three-Point Functions and Beyond |
16.30 - 17.00 Coffee-Break |
Session QUANTUM FIELD THEORY Chairperson: J.Buchbinder |
11.00 | B.Ovrut | (Univ. of Pennsylvania) | Phenomenological Heterotic Theory: Standard Models, the Renormalization Group and All That |
11.30 | L.Chekhov | (Steklov Inst., Moscow) | Calculating Quantum Liouville Theory Using Quantum Riemann Surfaces |
12.00 | I.Ginzburg | (Sobolev Inst. of Mathematics, Novosibirsk) | Charged Oscillator and Antioscillator in Magnetic Field. Variation of Hidden Symmetries with Magnetic Field |
12.30 | S.Lebedev | (Surgut Univ.) | Spin Dependent Addition to the Mass of Relativistic Electron in QED with External Electric Field |
13.00 - 14.30 Lunch |
16.30 - 17.00 Coffee-Break |
Session QUANTUM GRAVITY AND COSMOLOGY Chairperson: K.Maeda |
11.00 | B.-L.Hu | (Univ. of Maryland) | Stochastic Gravity: Stress Tensor Fluctuations in (anti) de Sitter Spacetimes |
11.30 | T.Tanaka | (Yukawa Inst., Kyoto Univ.) | Infrared Divergence in Cosmological Perturbation Theory |
12.00 | M.Iofa | (Skobeltsyn Inst. of Nuclear Physics, Moscow Univ.) | Graviton Emission and Nucleosynthesis in Warped Cosmological Models |
12.30 | B.Kosyakov | (Sarov Physical Technology Inst.) | TBA |
13.00-14.30 Lunch |
Session Quantum Gravity and Cosmology Chairperson: A.Kamenshchik |
14.30 | V.Vanyashin | (Dnepropetrovsk Univ.) | Cold Dark Matter Cannot Comprise Relic Axions |
15.00 | A.Toporensky | (Sternberg Inst., Moscow Univ.) | Stable Superinflating Solutions in f(R) Gravity |
15.30 | C.Steinwachs | (Univ. of Cologne) | Non-minimal Higgs Inflation and Frame Dependence in Cosmology |
16.00 | | | TBA |
16.30-17.00 Coffee-Break |
Session Astrophysics Chairperson: M.Medvedev |
17.00 | I.Novikov | (Astro Space Center, Lebedev Inst., Moscow & Niels Bohr Inst., Kopenhagen) | Stability Analysis of Wormhole |
17.30 | L.Marochnik | (Univ. of Maryland) | Dark Energy from Instantons |
18.00 | A.Chernin | (Sternberg Inst., Moscow Univ.) | Global Dark Energy and Local Gravity-Antigravity Interplay |
18.30 | I.Royzen | (Lebedev Inst., Moscow) | Non-Trivial QCD Vacuum against Black Holes of a Stellar Mass |
Session CONDENSED MATTER PHYSICS Chairperson: P.Arseev |
11.00 | A.Rosch | (Univ. of Cologne) | Emergent Electrodynamics of Skyrmionic Magnetic Whirls in Chiral Magnets |
11.30 | Yu.Lozovik | (Inst. of Spectroscopy, Troitsk) | Collective Properties and Phases of Dirac Electrons in Topological Insulators |
12.00 | K.Kikoin | (Ben-Gurion Univ.) | Kondo Effect in Terms of Gell-Mann Matrices |
12.30 | Yu.Uspenskii | (Lebedev Inst.) | Electronic Quasiparticle Spectrum in Semiconductor Nano-Objects |
13.00 - 14.30 Lunch |
Session NONLINEAR DYNAMICS Chairperson: E.Volkov |
11.00 | I.Sokolov | (Humboldt Univ., Berlin) | Nonergodicity and Inhomogeneity in Single Particle Tracking |
11.30 | S.Fedotov | (Univ. of Manchester) | Anomalous Transport and Nonlinear Fractional Subdiffusive Equations |
12.00 | A.Leonidov | (Lebedev Inst., Moscow) | On Kinetic Theory of Energy Losses in Randomly Heterogeneous Medium |
12.30 | | | TBA |
13.00-14.30 Lunch |
Session Nonlinear dynamics Chairperson: I.Sokolov |
14.30 | V.Klyatskin | (Obukhov Inst. of Atmospheric Phys., Moscow) | Stochastic Dynamo in Random Acoustic Fields |
15.00 | V.Sirota | (Lebedev Inst., Moscow) | Vortex Filaments and Velocity Statistics in Hydrodynamic Turbulence |
15.30 | E.Rumanov | (Inst. of Structural Macrokinetics, Chernogolovka) | Critical Chaos |
16.00 | | | |
16.30-17.00 Coffee-Break |