Ginzburg Conference on Physics Ginzburg Conference on Physics
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scientific program - June 1, 2012


list of talks:   

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            May - June 2012


PLENARY SESSION (Main Conference Hall)  Chairperson: R.Blandford
  9.00 D.Kazakov (JINR, Dubna) Constraints on Supersymmetry Using 5/fb LHC Data
  9.45 K.Thorne (California Inst. of Technology)Black Holes: A New Golden Age
10.30-11.00 Coffee-Break
Session ASTROPHYSICS   Chairperson: S.Bulanov
11.00 I.Kovalenko (Volgograd Univ.)Recent Progress in Understanding of Astrophysical Turbulence
11.30 N.Prantzos (Inst. d'Astrophysique de Paris)The Composition of Cosmic Rays and the Origin of Light Nuclides
12.00 V.Ptuskin (Inst. of Terrestrial Magnetism, Ionosphere and Radio Wave Propagation, Troitsk)Galactic Cosmic Rays: Acceleration in Supernova Remnants and Transport in Interstellar Magnetic Fields
12.30 A.Galper (Moscow Engineering Physics Inst.)Progress in Gamma-Ray Astronomy in Russia
13.00-14.30 Lunch
Session Astrophysics   Chairperson: B.Coppi
14.30 L.Zelenyi (Space Research Inst., Moscow)"Dark" Electric Fields in the Earth Magnetotail and their Observable Manifestations
15.00 S.Bulanov (Kansai Photon Science Inst., Kyoto)Extreme Field limits in the Interaction of Electromagnetic Waves with Matter
15.30 V.Tsytovich (General Phys. Inst., Moscow)Physics of Transition Scattering and Some Recent Observations
16.00 D.Sokoloff (Moscow Univ.)Stellar Activity Waves: New Ideas
16.30-17.00 Coffee-Break
Session Astrophysics   Chairperson: B.Rudak
17.00 D.Uzdensky (Univ. of Colorado, Boudler)Magnetic Reconnection and Radiation in Astrophysics
17.30 V.Skalozub (Dnepropetrovsk Univ.)Spontaneous Vacuum Magnetization as the Source of Long Range Magnetic Fields in the Hot Universe
18.00 O.Tsupko (Space Research Inst., Moscow)Gravitational Lensing in Presence of Plasma
18.30 S.Nagataki (Kyoto Univ.)Numerical Simulations of Central Engine of Long Gamma-Ray Bursts
11.00 M.Gaberdiel (ETH, Zurich)Minimal Model Holography
11.30 S.Giombi (Perimeter Inst., Waterloo)Chern-Simons Vector Models and Higher Spins
12.00 M.Grigoriev (Lebedev Inst., Moscow) Parent BRST Approach to Higher Spin Gauge Fields
12.30 A.Sharapov Tomsk Univ. Lagrange Anchor, Symmetries and Conservation Laws of Free Massless Fields
13.00 - 14.30 Lunch
Session Superstrings and Higher Spin Gauge Theory   Chairperson: I.Aref'eva
14.30 K.Stelle (Imperial College, London)Supergravity Divergences and Puzzles
15.00 E.Ivanov (JINR, Dubna)Supersymmetric Mechanics with Spin Multiplets and Nahm Equations
15.30 Yu.Zinoviev (IHEP, Protvino)On Massive Gravity and Bigravity
16.00 M.Taronna (Scuola Normale Superiore and INFN, Pisa)Higher-Spin Interactions: Three-Point Functions and Beyond
16.30 - 17.00 Coffee-Break
Session QUANTUM FIELD THEORY   Chairperson: J.Buchbinder
11.00 B.Ovrut (Univ. of Pennsylvania)Phenomenological Heterotic Theory: Standard Models, the Renormalization Group and All That
11.30 L.Chekhov (Steklov Inst., Moscow) Calculating Quantum Liouville Theory Using Quantum Riemann Surfaces
12.00 I.Ginzburg (Sobolev Inst. of Mathematics, Novosibirsk) Charged Oscillator and Antioscillator in Magnetic Field. Variation of Hidden Symmetries with Magnetic Field
12.30 S.Lebedev (Surgut Univ.)Spin Dependent Addition to the Mass of Relativistic Electron in QED with External Electric Field
13.00 - 14.30 Lunch
16.30 - 17.00 Coffee-Break
Session QUANTUM GRAVITY AND COSMOLOGY   Chairperson: K.Maeda
11.00 B.-L.Hu (Univ. of Maryland)Stochastic Gravity: Stress Tensor Fluctuations in (anti) de Sitter Spacetimes
11.30 T.Tanaka (Yukawa Inst., Kyoto Univ.)Infrared Divergence in Cosmological Perturbation Theory
12.00 M.Iofa (Skobeltsyn Inst. of Nuclear Physics, Moscow Univ.)Graviton Emission and Nucleosynthesis in Warped Cosmological Models
12.30 B.Kosyakov (Sarov Physical Technology Inst.)TBA
13.00-14.30 Lunch
Session Quantum Gravity and Cosmology   Chairperson: A.Kamenshchik
14.30 V.Vanyashin (Dnepropetrovsk Univ.)Cold Dark Matter Cannot Comprise Relic Axions
15.00 A.Toporensky (Sternberg Inst., Moscow Univ.)Stable Superinflating Solutions in f(R) Gravity
15.30 C.Steinwachs (Univ. of Cologne)Non-minimal Higgs Inflation and Frame Dependence in Cosmology
16.00 TBA
16.30-17.00 Coffee-Break
Session Astrophysics   Chairperson: M.Medvedev
17.00 I.Novikov (Astro Space Center, Lebedev Inst., Moscow & Niels Bohr Inst., Kopenhagen)Stability Analysis of Wormhole
17.30 L.Marochnik (Univ. of Maryland)Dark Energy from Instantons
18.00 A.Chernin (Sternberg Inst., Moscow Univ.)Global Dark Energy and Local Gravity-Antigravity Interplay
18.30 I.Royzen (Lebedev Inst., Moscow)Non-Trivial QCD Vacuum against Black Holes of a Stellar Mass
Session CONDENSED MATTER PHYSICS   Chairperson: P.Arseev
11.00 A.Rosch (Univ. of Cologne)Emergent Electrodynamics of Skyrmionic Magnetic Whirls in Chiral Magnets
11.30 Yu.Lozovik (Inst. of Spectroscopy, Troitsk)Collective Properties and Phases of Dirac Electrons in Topological Insulators
12.00 K.Kikoin (Ben-Gurion Univ.)Kondo Effect in Terms of Gell-Mann Matrices
12.30 Yu.Uspenskii (Lebedev Inst.)Electronic Quasiparticle Spectrum in Semiconductor Nano-Objects
13.00 - 14.30 Lunch
Session NONLINEAR DYNAMICS   Chairperson: E.Volkov
11.00 I.Sokolov (Humboldt Univ., Berlin)Nonergodicity and Inhomogeneity in Single Particle Tracking
11.30 S.Fedotov (Univ. of Manchester)Anomalous Transport and Nonlinear Fractional Subdiffusive Equations
12.00 A.Leonidov (Lebedev Inst., Moscow)On Kinetic Theory of Energy Losses in Randomly Heterogeneous Medium
12.30 TBA
13.00-14.30 Lunch
Session Nonlinear dynamics   Chairperson: I.Sokolov
14.30 V.Klyatskin (Obukhov Inst. of Atmospheric Phys., Moscow)Stochastic Dynamo in Random Acoustic Fields
15.00 V.Sirota (Lebedev Inst., Moscow)Vortex Filaments and Velocity Statistics in Hydrodynamic Turbulence
15.30 E.Rumanov (Inst. of Structural Macrokinetics, Chernogolovka)Critical Chaos
16.30-17.00 Coffee-Break


list of talks:   

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            May - June 2012



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Last update: May 31, 2012