V.L.Ginzburg |
Vitaly L. Ginzburg Born: 4 October 1916, Moscow, Russia.
Died: 8 November 2009, Moscow.
The 2003 Nobel Laureate in Physics, Prize motivation: "for pioneering contributions to the theory of superconductors and superfluids"
[ autobiography ]
conference location |
Lebedev Institute, Moscow
dates |
participants |
organizer |
sponsors |
- Dmitry Zimin Foundation Dynasty
- Russian Academy of Sciences
- Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation
- Russian Foundation for Basic Research
- Arnold Sommerfeld Center, LMU, Munich
- U.S. Office of Naval Research Global
- KinTech Laboratory
topics |
A preliminary list of topics to be covered includes:
- Relativistic and Plasma Astrophysics
- Strong Correlation Effects and High-Tc Superconductors
- Condensed Matter Physics
- High-Energy Physics
- Quantum Field Theory
- Superstrings, Higher-Spin Theory and AdS/CFT Duality
- Astroparticle Physics, Cosmology and Gravity Theory
- Nonlinear Dynamics
scientific program |
Sessions will be in the P.N.Lebedev Physical Insitute (53, Leninsky Prospect).
Scentific Program will be mainly
composed of invited talks.
A limited number of suggested talks may be accepted.
Proposals can be submitted via
Suggested Talk Application Form
before March 31, 2012 - (Aplication is closed)
international advisory committee |
I.Bozovic (Brookehaven National Lab.)
L.Brink (Chalmers Univ., Goteborg)
B.de Wit (Univ. of Utrecht)
E.Demler (Harvard Univ., Cambridge)
P.Fulde (Max Plank Inst., Dresden)
D.Gross (Kavli Inst., Santa Barbara)
I.Khalatnikov (Landau Inst., Chernogolovka)
I.Klebanov (Princeton Univ.)
A.J.Leggett (Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
A.Linde (Stanford Univ.)
D.Luest (Ludwig Maximilians Univ. of Munich)
J.Maldacena (Inst. for Advanced Study, Princeton)
L.McLerran (Brookehaven National Lab.)
V.Mukhanov (Ludwig Maximilians Univ. of Munich)
R.Narayan (Harvard Univ., Cambridge)
H.Nicolai (Max Plank Inst., Potsdam)
G.Nicolis (Univ. Libre de Bruxelles)
L.Pitaevskii (Kapitza Inst., Moscow, Univ. of Trento)
T.M.Rice (ETH, Zurich)
V.Ritus (Lebedev Inst., Moscow)
V.Rubakov (Inst. for Nuclear Research, Moscow)
M.Sadovskii (Inst. of Electrophysics, Ekaterinburg)
A.Sagnotti (Scuola Normale Superiore and INFN, Pisa)
S.Savrasov (Univ. of California, Davis)
J.Schwarz (California Inst. of Technology)
M.Scully (Texas A&M Univ.)
N.Seiberg (Inst. for Advanced Study, Princeton)
A.Slavnov (Steklov Inst., Moscow)
A.Starobinsky (Landau Inst., Chernogolovka)
K.Thorne (California Inst. of Technology)
W.Unruh (Univ. of British Columbia, Vancouver)
E.Witten (Inst. for Advanced Study, Princeton)
A.Wolfendale (Univ. of Durham)
V.Zheleznyakov (Inst. of Applied Phys., N.Novgorod)
local organizing committee |
L.Keldysh (Lebedev Inst.) - Chairman
Yu.Osipov (Russian Academy of Sciences, President),
G.Mesyats (Russian Academy of Sciences, Vice-President, Lebedev Inst., Director),
O.Ivanov (Lebedev Inst.) - Vice-Chairman,
M.Vasiliev (Lebedev Inst.) - Vice-Chairman,
V.Zaikin (Lebedev Inst.) - Vice-Chairman,
B.Altshuler (Lebedev Inst.),
P.Arseev (Lebedev Inst.),
A.Barvinsky (Lebedev Inst.),
V.Beskin (Lebedev Inst.),
Yu.Bruk (Lebedev Inst.),
D.Chernyshov (Lebedev Inst.),
V.Dogiel (Lebedev Inst.),
I.Dremin (Lebedev Inst.),
A.Gurevich (Lebedev Inst.),
Ya.Istomin (Lebedev Inst.),
M.Kalenkov (Lebedev Inst.),
A.Leonidov (Lebedev Inst.),
O.Loiko (Lebedev Inst.),
S.Loiko (Lebedev Inst.),
R.Metsaev (Lebedev Inst.),
V.Nechitailo (Lebedev Inst.),
D.Nesterov (Lebedev Inst.),
A.Polezhaev (Lebedev Inst.),
A.Semikhatov (Lebedev Inst.),
O.Shaynkman (Lebedev Inst.),
M.Soloviev (Lebedev Inst.),
A.Tseytlin (Imperial Coll., London)
I.Tyutin (Lebedev Inst.),
Yu.Uspensky (Lebedev Inst.),
B.Voronov (Lebedev Inst.),
K.Zybin (Lebedev Inst.),
accommodation |
The Organizing Committee recommends the Korston Hotel Moscow****.
The hotel is located within walking distance (10 - 15 minutes) from the Lebedev Institute.
A shuttle bus will be running daily between the hotel and the Institute in the morning, in the evening,
and at lunch time.
It is our pleasure to offer discount prices for the duration of the Conference.
Depending on the chosen option, the discount price ranges from Euro 140 to 230.
For example, the Comfort option is Euro 140 - 155 per night
[ more ]
participation fee |
The reduced conference fee is Euro 300 for a participant and Euro 150 for each accompanying person if payed
no later than 30 April, 2012.
As of 1 May, the fee is Euro 360 for a participant and Euro 180 for an accompanying person.
The fee covers a welcome party, the banquet, coffee breaks, and other organizational
costs, plus transportation from and to the airport
social program |
The Organizing Committee is planning to organize an excursion (free of charge) and a concert
for all participants and accompanying persons:
30.05, Wednesday (after lunch), Bus tour of Moscow historic places (departure from the hotel "Korston");
30.05, Wednesday 19.00, Concert (classical music) (Lebedev Inst.)
Additional details will be announced upon registration.
Cultural program for accompanying persons:
While registration time at Korston (May 26, 27) we expect that there will be a
representative from Triumff Service company who will assist with arranging your excursion program
public lectures |
In conjunction with the Ginzburg Conference on Physics being held in the
Lebedev Institute, there will be free public lectures, which should be of interest to a general
scientific audience and to many members of the general public.
Public lectures will be held on Saturday, June 2, 2012, at 16.00.
They are open to everyone and admission is free.
Herman Verlinde (Princeton Univ.)
Black Holes: Searching for the Key to Nature's Secrets
Rashid Sunyaev (Max-Planck Inst. for Astrophysics, Garching & Space Research Inst., Moscow, Inst. for Advanced Study, Princeton)
Hot Intergalactic Gas in Clusters of Galaxies, Cosmic Microwave Background and Cosmology
Public Lectures are organized and sponsored by the Dmitry Zimin Dynasty
Foundation (Russia), one of the first Russian family foundations (www.dynastyfdn.com), which
specializes in support and promotion of fundamental research
poster |
click image to enlarge
download the
PDF file(2524kB)
past conferences |
The Conference is a continuation of the series of Sakharov International
Conferences held in 1991, 1996, 2002, 2009 as well as the Fradkin Memorial Conference held in 2000 and
the 2005 Conference dedicated to the 70-year aniversary of the Tamm Theory
First International Sakharov Conference on Physics, Moscow, May 27 - 31, 1991
Second International Sakharov Conference on Physics, Moscow, May 20 - 24, 1996
International Conference "Quantization, Gauge Theory, and Strings", Moscow, June 5 - 10, 2000
Third International Sakharov Conference on Physics, Moscow, June 24 - 29, 2002
International Conference on Theoretical Physics, Moscow, April 11 - 16, 2005
Fourth International Sakharov Conference on Physics, Moscow, May 18 - 23, 2009
© 2011-2012, Tamm Theory Department
Last update: March 11, 2011